The girl with come-here eyes

It's crazy if I go out with a lot of cleavage showing, Alexya said. "If I go out wearing something that shows off my breasts, I have to be with somebody. I like to be normal and not have my breasts out so everyone will stare." It's a different story when free-spirited Alexya is in a camera-ready situation. She is one of the stars of the DVD On Location North Coast, shot in the Dominican Republic. Alexya and the other girls could wear few clothes (and often nothing at all) at the luxe private resort where the event was filmed. Alexya is a beautiful blend of glamour girl, mystery girl and girl-next-door. In her interview videos, she is quiet and seems shy. She giggles a lot in them, almost as if she doesn't see why she gets guys excited. She's soft-spoken and she's usually silent in her scenes.

The girl with come-here eyes
The girl with come-here eyes
The girl with come-here eyes
The girl with come-here eyes
The girl with come-here eyes
The girl with come-here eyes
The girl with come-here eyes
The girl with come-here eyes
The girl with come-here eyes
The girl with come-here eyes
The girl with come-here eyes
The girl with come-here eyes
The girl with come-here eyes
The girl with come-here eyes
The girl with come-here eyes
The girl with come-here eyes
The girl with come-here eyes
The girl with come-here eyes
The girl with come-here eyes
The girl with come-here eyes
The girl with come-here eyes